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Archiv für 'Releases'

Sniff WiFi traffic with LessLinux

Wednesday, March 9th, 2016

LessLinux is used as a foundation for quite some security and forensic distributions. Thus more features for analyzing network traffic get added. Recent builds include “hostapd” and “brctl” for creating ad-hoc hotspots that can be used to monitor the traffic of selected WiFi enabled devices like smart TVs or smartphones. I usually use a notebook with a wired and a wireless interface for this task.

To create such a bridged access point a WiFi interface that supports master (or access point) mode must be present – grepping for AP in the capabilities list will identify matching chipsets. Some interfaces like those sold by Realtek only offer the possibility to create unencrypted access points with the vanilla hostapd. In this case you may want to try USB wifi devices.

Download latest build: lesslinux-search-and-rescue-uluru-20160226-111022.iso


Automatic language detection

Friday, August 7th, 2015

I just added automatic langauge detection, kind of small magic before an internet connection exists.

How does it work? Currently it searches for the last recently used NTUSER.DAT and reads the registry key “Control Panel\International\LocaleName” from there. Of course this requires a windows installation to be present. But since this feature is targeted at some commercial derivates of LessLinux that are sold as rescue systems in various European countries, probably 95% of computers where LessLinux is booted have a windows partition.

If you are booting LessLinux on a machine without windows you might specify


to skip the selection and predefine a certain locale. The old


only works for a limited subset of languages (German, English, Spanish, French, Polish, Russian, Italian, Netherlands).

Netboot fixed

Saturday, July 4th, 2015

When testing recent builds I found out that netboot was broken. I found out the following reasons:

  • For wgetiso=http://server/path/lesslinux.iso BusyBox’ wget implementation proved too unstable and often failed, I now added a curl binary, statically linked against musl-libc and nothing else, this means no HTTPS support for now. Using curl now also allows to determine the size of the tmpfs where the downloaded ISO will be stored automatically, so you do not have to calculate and specify wgetsize=1234567 (in kilobyte) anymore.

  • The nfs= method failed because of the missing module nfsv3, the split happened somewhere between 3.17 and 3.19. It is fixed now, but just tested against a few NFS kernel servers.

Booting from a CIFS filesystem was not changed, but tested (works), just specify cifs=// to search ISO Images there. When I did apply those changes I also looked for some ways to add “overlays”, a simple hook for adding a tarball that is unpacked over the root filesystem. This method allows you to add your own startup scripts or significantly change the xinitrc. This is mainly targetted at applications where you use LessLinux as some automatic backup or deployment system. Details on the possibilites of this feature will follow.

Get the latest build: lesslinux-search-and-rescue-uluru-20150704-135812.iso

Moving to Linux 4.1

Saturday, June 27th, 2015

In the advent of several commercial builds for the next months I updated the base system to recent LFS builds. This means Glibc 2.21. Kernel 4.1, GCC 5.1, some tools and libraries from Gnome 3.16 and Firefox and Thunderbird in version 38.0.x. These build are already relatively stable, however there are some issues with Clutter or Cogl which meany three of the games from Gnome 3.16 do not work currently.

When building on recent sources Ruby-Nokogiri has to be installed since this component is now used to check for updates. Grab the (unstable) ISOs here, both “Search and Rescue” and “BigFatFull Jabba” for building:

Minor update to unstable: Fresh Firefox and Thunderbird, fixed USB boot

Thursday, December 4th, 2014

My latest image might have broken USB boot support due to a new version of the NASM assembler. This is fixed in the latest unstable build. Besides this the TeamViewer BLOB is fixed now (there is no directory teamviewer9 anymore in the tarball). Hivex correctly builds the ruby bindings and I based my “reset shell” tool on the new hivex library instead on chntpw. Firefox got updated to 34.0, Thunderbird to 31.3.

Have fun! lesslinux-search-and-rescue-uluru-20141203-124327.iso

Moving to kernel 3.17.4, adding i3 tiling window manager

Thursday, November 27th, 2014

I just prepared a fresh build based on kernel 3.17.4. The biggest difference is that the kernel configuration is now based on Ubuntus 3.16. On the one hand this means many drivers are included that your live system will never need, on the other hand some drivers are known to work better in this configuration. The initrd is now bigger by around 20MB per kernel (kernels are included for 32 bit PAE, 32 bit non PAE and 64 bit). If this is too big for you, tinker around with the kernel configuration for your own builds.

Cairo dock now uses gnome-menus-3. This re-introduces icons and allows a nice search box. A much bigger change is the addition of i3. Start with the additional boot parameter


to start with three terminals in i3: One root terminal and two with normal users privileges. I know there are quite some i3 users out there and I would be happy to hear from you and share your experiences.

Grab it here: lesslinux-search-and-rescue-uluru-20141127-055823.iso lesslinux-search-and-rescue-uluru-20141127-164346.iso

Update: I just added i3status and changed the urxvt terminal in i3 mode to a much better readable font.

Hello, FRED!

Thursday, November 13th, 2014

I just want to introduce a new tool. Fred, the forensic registry editor by Daniel Gillen is included in the latest builds.

FRED, the forensic registry editor allows write access to the registry


OpenVAS included, GUI for BLOB installation

Thursday, October 30th, 2014

We made some progress in both handling of BLOBs (binary large objects, programs like Google Chrome or TeamViewer that are only available as binary packages. A new feature is the integration of OpenVAS, a vulnerability scanner to detect unsafe devices in your networks. I am especially proud for my wrapper script to start OpenVAS: This does all necessary preparation work, so you do not have to manually download vulnerability definitions or rebuild databases. However, OpenVAS is still fat and occupies more than 1.2GB RAM when started from DVD! So, some preparation is recommended.


Fresh development build – fixes BLOB support

Wednesday, September 10th, 2014

I just uploaded an image that fixes BLOB support. To use it:

  • dd the ISO to an USB thumb drive
  • Pass blobsize=512 (any value between 256 and 2048 makes sense) as boot parameter upon first boot – this wil create the LessLinuxBlob partition upon first boot
  • Download Chrome stable for i386 and put the deb to the folder /lesslinux/blobpart – use a file manager with root privileges for this
  • Reboot – Chrome is now contained in the menus

Besides this, Thunderbird and Firefox both got updated to 31.1.0, the kernel received a smaller upgrade to 3.16.2. The tools for acessing disk drives now use a different architecture. mmcblk devices (some card readers) are now recognized correctly, it works a bit faster and should be easier to integrate with upcoming releases of SaferSurf.

Download lesslinux-search-and-rescue-uluru-20140909-083241.iso

Introducing BLOB support

Tuesday, August 26th, 2014

About one and a half years ago I started implementing suport for the possibility to persistently add binary applications to LessLinux. This enables adding closed source binary only software without polluting the open source build tree. BLOB support was used in a commercial derivative to include TeamViewer. Now it is also possible to add Google Chrome – quite some users requested this feature since Chrome has very good multimedia support and implements a remote desktop solution.
